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19 December 2019

Science and ethics unite in QF tent at Darb Al Saai

Science and ethics unite in QF tent at Darb Al Saai

Akhlaquna Award booth draws the attention of families

The Qatar Foundation tent at Darb Al Saai – which showcases the organization’s contribution to the development of Qatar across its pillars of education, science, and community development - continues to attract visitors amid the celebrations to mark Qatar National Day.

Among the booths that highlight the essence of Qatar Foundation’s (QF) mission is that dedicated to the Akhlaquna Award, first announced by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of Qatar Foundation, in 2017 – and it showcases the initiative in a distinctive and modern way.

The Akhlaquna booth at Darb Al-Saai uses technology to spread the award’s message, as it promotes the positive behaviors and morals exhibited by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and which have relevance in all religions and cultures.

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Through its interactive nature, the Akhlaquna booth has attracted the attention of many families, especially visitors aged 15-24, by offering a digital platform that contains a set of questions designed to spark people’s curiosity and their desire to learn how to apply positive moral values in their lives – whether by helping people around them, appreciating and supporting the elderly, displaying honesty in their interactions with each other, or showing tolerance and generosity in all aspects of life.

Visitors to the QF tent at Darb Al-Saai discovered more about the objective of the award through the Virtue Cube, which aims to promote universal values such as mercy, tolerance, honesty, and generosity. The cube allows young people to learn about these values, and their role in building a positive society and helping people to face modern-day challenges, while emphasizing the close link between science and morals.

"The technology in the booth caught my attention, and when I looked to learn more about this award, the questions raised my curiosity,” said grade 6 student Maryam Rashid, one of the visitors to the Akhlaquna booth.

“I chose a question relating to how we contribute, as individuals, to developing Qatar; and my answer was ‘With science, we are developing Qatar’.

“When I got to know about the Virtue Cube, I discovered the importance of associating science with morals, such as through how we talk and act in school, how I interact with my peers and my friends and help my family – and how all these things are for Qatar.”

Abdullah Al-Naimi said: “We are proud that we have this initiative here in Qatar, as it aims to perpetuate the values and virtues that characterize our society, and from which we can spread goodness.

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“It is beneficial to use modern technologies to spread good morals and communicate with the public, and demonstrate how we can translate these values into daily practices in many areas of our lives."

The submission period for cycle 3 of the Akhlaquna Award is open to Qatari nationals and residents between the ages of 15-24. The award is designed to engage young people who have ideas for projects that can nurture positive behavioral change and the adoption of strong moral values within society.

The three finalists of the Akhlaquna Award will be chosen by the public in addition to evaluation by a jury. Qatar Foundation will support the winning project through helping its creators to identify opportunities for it to be developed and for its capacity to bring positive impact to society to be enhanced.

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