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2 February 2022

QF’s ability friendly program inspires children to dream big

QF’s ability friendly program inspires children to dream big

Five-year-old Layaan Al Jomaa has Down Syndrome and hopes to one day become a world champion swimmer

Swimming is Layaan Al Jomaa’s favorite thing in the world. The aspiring athlete, who has Down Syndrome, is part of Qatar Foundation’s Ability Friendly Program. And at only five years old, she dreams of becoming a world champion.

“I love swimming,” says Layaan. “I swam for the first time when I was a baby. I wasn’t afraid. My mom and my coach, Guia, have helped me become better at it. I want to be the best, and I want to make my mom and my coach proud.

“I love Guia very much, and I always listen to what she tells me. We talk a lot. And I never miss a session.”

QF’s ability friendly program inspires children to dream big - QF - V1
QF’s ability friendly program inspires children to dream big - QF - V1

I dream of becoming better in swimming, so that when I grow up, I can become a world champion

Layaan Al Jomaa
Layaan Al Jomaa

Layaan joined the Qatar Foundation (QF) program, which allows people with specific needs and disabilities to participate in specialized sports activities, and every week, she attends specialized classes tailored to meet her needs.

And as Layaan’s swimming has improved, as have her social skills, as well as her self-confidence. She has also just started to learn new techniques, helping her to increase her speed, and is practicing her diving.

Her mother, Randah, says she started teaching her daughter how to swim a few weeks after her birth because she learned about how this form of exercise can strengthen specific muscles in the body.

“As Layaan got older, I felt that she needed help from trainers who specialized in children with special needs. I was introduced to QF’s Ability Friendly Program, and immediately signed her up. And straight away, she started a new stage of learning how to swim.”

QF’s ability friendly program inspires children to dream big - QF - V2
QF’s ability friendly program inspires children to dream big - QF - V2

This initiative truly demonstrates how QF believes that every member of the community should be able to participate in social activities

Layaan’s mother
Layaan’s mother

“Layaan has a wonderful time during the individual training sessions, and I am really impressed by the way the coaches interact with her. They focus on all her needs and allow her enough time to learn and master the different rules of swimming,” her mother explains.

“Layaan is very lucky to be able to participate in the Ability Friendly Program. This initiative supports parents of children with special needs, who often face challenges in finding specialists to train their children in different sports activities. No one can imagine my joy when I see the happiness and enthusiasm in my daughter's eyes when I take her to her lessons,” she says.

QF’s ability friendly program inspires children to dream big - QF - V4
QF’s ability friendly program inspires children to dream big - QF - V4

I love swimming, I swam for the first time when I was a baby, and I wasn’t afraid

Layaan Al Jomaa
Layaan Al Jomaa

“At QF, there are coaches who are very skilled in dealing with children with special needs, and they are able to provide them with specialist training. And the facilities are built for such activities. We are motivated to bring out children to these classes, and to see them benefit as much as possible.”

QF’s ability friendly program inspires children to dream big - QF - 01
QF’s ability friendly program inspires children to dream big - QF - 01

I love coach Guia very much, and I always listen to what she tells me. We talk a lot. And I never miss a session

Layaan Al Jomaa
Layaan Al Jomaa

Randah says that this initiative truly demonstrates how QF believes that every member of the community should be able to participate in social activities – regardless of their circumstances.

Layaan not only loves swimming, but also does gymnastics, plays football with her brothers, and is excited to attend the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ this year with her father and the rest of her family. She hopes to be able to sit in the front row and support her favorite football team – Italy.

"I love sports, and I have become very good at swimming. Coach Guia tells me that I swim fast without any fear. I dream of becoming better, so that when I grow up, I can become a world champion,” says Layaan.

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