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Empowering entrepreneurs and expanding the knowledge-based economy.

With a commitment to transforming our economy, we help you use QF’s knowledge and technology to launch a startup, creating new businesses in Qatar, the region, and the world.

For Entrepreneurs - Hero

What We Offer


IP and Technical Assistance Services

The Al Khabeer Program provides intellectual property (IP) and technical consultation to Qatari inventors and local technology-based startups.

Contact us for more information
For Entrepreneurs - IP and Technical Assistance Services
For Entrepreneurs - IP and Technical Assistance Services

Technology Licenses

Many of our innovations are ideal candidates for launching a new business. Search our technology database to find your next venture opportunity.

View our technologies
For Entrepreneurs - Technology Licenses
For Entrepreneurs - Technology Licenses

Access to R&D Capabilities

Leverage the cutting-edge facilities and capabilities of QF research institutes and other innovation ecosystem partners to solve challenges in biotech, energy/environment, computing, and other high-tech areas.

Learn more about our innovation ecosystem
For Entrepreneurs - Access to R&D Capabilities
For Entrepreneurs - Access to R&D Capabilities

How to Launch a Startup


Whether you are a researcher based at QF or an independent entrepreneur, the overall process for launching a startup is the same. A variety of support is available from QF RDI’s Industry Development and Knowledge Transfer (IDKT) program and the Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP). Contact us to get started.

Resources for Entrepreneurs

  • Al Khabeer Program Brochure
    This referral-based consultancy service is designed to help cultivate an innovation culture within Qatar. The program provides IP expertise and technical assistance services to local entrepreneurs and inventors not covered under QF’s IP Policy.
    PDF - 94.3 kB
  • Entrepreneurship Guidebook
    This roadmap for the startup journey explains the key parameters and success factors for safeguarding IP rights, commercializing IP, and business planning as well as securing funding and investments.
    PDF - 3.2 MB
  • Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP)
    QSTP supports commercialization through this innovation hub by offering free-zone facilities and services for corporate registration, incubation, and funding specifically designed for tech-based companies.
  • QF Policies
    These documents provide clear information regarding QF policies for IP, innovation and entrepreneurial activities, conflicts of interest/commitment, and more.
  • Innovation Fellowship
    Designed for pre-commercialization technology advancement, this innovation support mechanism for RDI activities enables QF researchers to take time off from their regular employment duties to assist in de-risking technologies prior to potential startup activities. These efforts might involve increasing the Technology Readiness Level, developing a business model/plan, or addressing regulatory matters. Contact us for more information.
  • Entrepreneurial Leave
    QF research staff have the opportunity to take leave of their normal duties to help with the smooth transfer of technology and knowledge to increase the commercialization success of the product/service. Contact us for more information.