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25 March 2020

QF expert details importance of maintaining healthy homes while self-isolating

QF expert details importance of maintaining healthy homes while self-isolating

Image source: file404, via Shutterstock

QGBC highlights how home environment can impact body and mind

As the country continues to encourage the community to stay home and self-isolate to flatten the coronavirus curve, the importance of creating a happy, healthy home is becoming increasingly more important.

Our homes are now where we live, work, learn, play, relax.

Hamoda YoussefHead of Technical Affairs, QGBC

“Our homes are now where we live, work, learn, play, relax – they are where we do everything – so it is important to keep them healthy,” said Hamoda Youssef, Head of Technical Affairs at Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC), during a recent interactive webinar. “Our recommendations are simple, but the impact is huge.”

The first installment of QGBC’s Healthy Homes series, which is set to air weekly on its Facebook channel, centered on three main topics: air quality, light, and thermal comfort.

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Hamoda Youssef, Head of Technical Affairs, QGBC.

“Indoor air pollution is as harmful as outdoor air pollution,” said Mr. Youssef. And indoor pollution can come from cooking, heating, toxic chemicals, cleaning, furnishings, and paint.

“Ventilate your home as much as you can,” said Mr. Youssef, explaining that there are a number of easy ways to improve your air quality, including opening windows if the weather is good; installing air quality monitors and sensors; relying on natural air purifiers, such as plants; and using non-toxic (low VOC) materials.

He also suggests reducing the use of incense and candles, not smoking indoors, sealing gaps and openings, and using green cleaning products.

The importance of daylight in your health goes beyond the basics of vitamin D.

Hamoda YoussefHead of Technical Affairs, QGBC

“The importance of daylight in your health goes beyond the basics of vitamin D,” said Mr. Youssef. Natural daylight regulates your circadian rhythm, improves sleep quality, and productivity, while homes with insufficient light can cause headaches, insomnia, and increase depression. Daylight can also help to fight mold and bacteria growth, helping to lower the risk of respiratory diseases.

“And if you have daylight, you don’t need artificial light – so a direct energy saving,” added Mr. Youssef.

The QGBC expert also spoke about thermal comfort, which includes four environmental factors – air temperature, humidity, airspeed, and radiant temperature – and two personal factors – clothing and metabolic rates.

Having access to plants, and seeing them, will impact your mood and mental wellbeing.

Hamoda YoussefHead of Technical Affairs, QGBC

“Thermal discomfort can be associated with respiratory illnesses like asthma and poor mental health. Mental health, productivity, and attention – these are related to feeling discomfort in the space. Exposure to noise can increase stress and blood pressure.”

Suggested actions include setting room temperatures to between 22-24 degrees Celsius, while ensuring humidity levels are around 40 percent.

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Image source: CLICKMANIS, via Shutterstock

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Image source: Science Photo, via Shutterstock

Mr. Youssef also explained how plants can be a natural source of purification. “Having access to plants, and seeing them, will impact your mood and mental wellbeing. The effects are not just physical but mental, too.”

Mr. Youssef explained which plants should be kept in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. For example, some plants omit oxygen during the day, while some omit oxygen at night – such as gerbera daisies and snake plants, which are ideal for the bedroom.

To learn more, or to watch the seminar in full, please visit

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