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28 July 2020

QF and EAA invest in the potential of youth through new partnership

QF and EAA invest in the potential of youth through new partnership

A selected group of QF students will be awarded scholarships under Education Above All’s Al Fakhoora program, through a new partnership.

15 QF students identified as recipients of the Al Fakhoora Dynamic Futures Qatar program

Fifteen promising students with the potential to be drivers of change in Qatar and on the global stage are to see new educational doors being opened for them, through a partnership between Qatar Foundation and Education Above All Foundation.

Caption 1 Image - QF and EAA Scholarships

QF’s Education City, home to world-class universities and a unique educational ecosystem.

The agreement between the two organizations will lead to a selected group of students at Qatar Foundation (QF) universities being awarded scholarships under the Al Fakhoora program – a program of the Education Above All Foundation (EAA) – starting from the 2020/21 academic year.

The Al Fakhoora Dynamic Futures Qatar program is designed to remove potential barriers to education for young people in Qatar who have the potential to excel both in their studies and in life, and empower them to develop skills that prepare them to make tangible contributions to Qatari and global society once their university days are over, through both their professional abilities and their sense of civic duty.

Through this partnership, we will ensure that talented young people with so much to give to Qatar and the world, but who may face obstacles to receiving the education they need to make a difference, are supported to be everything they can be

Noof Al Derham

Its reach has now been extended through the new collaboration between QF and EAA, with Noof Al Derham, Director of Student Financial Services, QF, saying: “Qatar Foundation and Education Above All Foundation share an unswerving belief in the importance of quality education, the value it can bring to societies throughout the world, and the need for it to be inclusive and accessible.

“Through this partnership, we will ensure that talented young people with so much to give to Qatar and the world, but who may face obstacles to receiving the education they need to make a difference, are supported to be everything they can be. Investing in the potential of individuals means investing in the future of our country and our world, and we are delighted that the pathway to education that the Dynamic Futures Qatar program offers is now being opened up to Qatar Foundation students.”

We believe in the power of education to give today’s young adults the ability to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the future, as global citizens

Mohammed Saad Al Kubaisi

Mr. Mohammed Saad Al Kubaisi, EAA’s Director of Procurement and Operations, said: “At EAA, we believe in the power of education to give today’s young adults the ability to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the future, as global citizens.

“We are proud to contribute to the social and economic future of Qatar by investing these scholarships from our Dynamic Futures Qatar program to these 15 students, who represent the next generation of inspirational and civic-minded leaders.”


The scholarships aim to equip young people with the skills to make a tangible impact to society after they graduate.

The scholarships will have a value of USD11,900 per year and will be available to non-Qatari students whose backgrounds may otherwise present them with challenges in gaining a quality education. Under the agreement, QF will vet and shortlist students, after which they will participate in a selection camp before the final selection of recipients is made.

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