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Story | Community
26 March 2020

Qatar’s first batch of volunteers fighting coronavirus begin training at QF

Qatar’s first batch of volunteers fighting coronavirus begin training at QF

Ministry of Public Health’s For Qatar campaign enlists support for nation’s healthcare professionals amid COVID-19 crisis

Volunteers have started answering Qatar’s call to help its health teams battle COVID-19, undergoing training at Qatar Foundation to prepare them for their role in keeping the nation resilient.

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The For Qatar volunteering campaign, launched by the Ministry of Public Health, is recruiting members of the public to support the nation’s healthcare professionals.

The Ministry of Public Health this week launched a new national volunteering campaign, For Qatar, which is asking people across the country to show true community spirit and sign up to support the country’s healthcare professionals amid the global pandemic. The campaign’s first training session took place today at Multaqa (Education City Student Center) at Qatar Foundation (QF).

In this time of unprecedented challenge, it is vital for everyone to play their part in ensuring the continuing resilience of our nation.

Machaille Hassan Al-Naimi

Machaille Hassan Al-Naimi, President of Community Development, QF, said: “In this time of unprecedented challenge, it is vital for everyone to play their part in ensuring the continuing resilience of our nation.

“The Ministry of Public Health’s For Qatar campaign reflects the importance of unity, engagement, and community spirit amid the COVID-19 situation, empowering people from across Qatar’s society to contribute to the health and wellbeing of our country’s population and support our hardworking healthcare professionals.

“Qatar Foundation is proud to be supporting this campaign, and it is inspiring to see how many volunteers have already shown their selflessness, social awareness, and dedication to helping others by coming forward to give their time and their skills in the service of Qatar. We wholeheartedly encourage others to follow their example and recognize that, through all of us joining together, we can ensure Qatar emerges from this challenge stronger than ever.”

I believe volunteering is one of the ways in which I can repay Qatar for what I have always received from the nation.

Nisrine Battah

QF is supporting the For Qatar campaign and encouraging its staff and members of its community to volunteer, as well as providing the venue for today’s initial training session, where those attending included Nisrine Battah, who said: “This is a difficult time for our nation and the world, and I wanted to give my time to help the government and Qatar fight coronavirus.

“I was born in Qatar and the country has given me a lot. I believe volunteering is one of the ways in which I can repay Qatar for what I have always received from the nation. As soon as this program was announced, I registered as a volunteer.

“This virus affects everybody and its spread must be stopped to protect people who are vulnerable, and our loved ones. ”

Volunteer Luma Diab said: “We are in a very crucial period, and giving back to the community is important, especially so we can help the elderly who are among those most affected by COVID-19. ”

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The first training session for volunteers who have signed up to the campaign was held at Qatar Foundation.

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For Qatar volunteers’ duties will include supporting with clinical medical practice, allied health practice, public health awareness, and logistics, in health centers across the country.

All volunteers will receive a two-hour induction and a two-hour training session before taking up their duties, and will be required to work eight-hour shifts on at least 14 days over a 12-week period to the end of June 2020. To register, click here.

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