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27 June 2021

Qatar can bring the world together on climate change, QF sustainability expert tells UN forum

Qatar can bring the world together on climate change, QF sustainability expert tells UN forum

Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari, CEO of Qatar Foundation International, speaking at the Ministerial Thematic Forum on green energy.

Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari, CEO of Qatar Foundation International, says the nation is positioned to make “difficult conversation” between Global South and North happen

Qatar can bridge the global North-South divide and take a key role in driving forward the “difficult conversation” about how to tackle climate change, a Qatar Foundation sustainability expert has told an international energy-focused United Nations event.

The green transition is something the world needs to not only accept, but embrace, and in Qatar we hope we are doing our part by taking advantage of the resources we have in a responsible manner

Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari

Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari, CEO of Qatar Foundation International and a climate technology and energy transition advisor, emphasized that rising temperatures will affect the Gulf more than many other regions, meaning its nations have a “vested interest” in taking action to mitigate global warming.

Qatar can bring the world together on climate change, QF sustainability expert tells UN forum - QF - Teaser

he Gulf region has a “vested interest” in mitigating climate change, says Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari. Image source: Shutterstock/Sebastian Noethlichs.

Speaking at the Ministerial Thematic Forum on energy transitions – held ahead of the UN’s High-Level Dialogue on Energy, which will take place in September – he also explained how Qatar was ahead of the global curve in committing to building a more sustainable society, with Qatar Foundation (QF) at the forefront of this.

“In Qatar, we see ourselves as being part of a place where the difficult conversation between the Global South and the Global North on climate change and the energy transition can happen,” Mr. Al-Kuwari told the forum. “With our geography, our leadership, and our resources, we feel we can move this conversation forward in a responsible manner.

We can work with governments and with the private sector, and we’re well-positioned to bridge innovation gaps

Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari

“The green transition is something the world needs to not only accept, but embrace, and in Qatar we hope we are doing our part by taking advantage of the resources we have in a responsible manner. At Qatar Foundation, we had already started to do this before climate change became part of the daily conversation. We always knew our role was to help transition our society to a knowledge-based society. And the reason why we want to support the green transition is because it’s the right thing to do.

“Ironically, although we are from an oil and gas region, we are going to be affected more than many other regions. Every one-degree rise in temperatures globally will mean we feel a three-degree rise in the Gulf region. We will be directly affected, so we have a vested interest to mitigate and manage this, to adapt, and to use our resources and skills.”

Mr. Al-Kuwari, who is a doctoral researcher at UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources in the UK, also explained that non-profit organizations – such as QF – have a “unique role” in the green energy transition, saying: “We can work with governments and with the private sector, and we’re well-positioned to bridge innovation gaps.”

On climate change and the green energy transition, my advice to young people is: find your passion, and find an angle where you can play a role

Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari

And he spoke about how, while working in the oil and gas industry, he began to “dive deep into energy transition and decarbonization, and what it means for the future of the world”.

“We’ve had many energy transitions over the last 200 years: wood to coal, oil to gas, the shift to renewables,” he said. “But this transition is different; it’s purposive.

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According to Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari, non-profit organizations have a unique role to play in the green energy transition.

“It was important for me to understand where technology and economics are going, and do whatever I can as an individual to help close the gap between academia and business and policy. There will be winners and losers, and we all have a role to play in reducing the number of losers as much as possible.

“Seeing the students we work with at QF, I’m impressed by the sophistication and knowledge they have and their willingness to engage, and harnessing that passion is invaluable. On climate change and the green energy transition, my advice to young people is: find your passion, and find an angle where you can play a role – make it your expertise.”

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