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4 November 2019

New cycle of Akhlaquna Award launched by QF

New cycle of Akhlaquna Award launched by QF

Initiative aims to nurture positive values and behavioral change within society

Young people with ideas for promoting and spreading positive values throughout their community, and a dedication to seeing them turned into reality, are being encouraged to apply for Qatar Foundation’s Akhlaquna Award.

The award, first announced by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of Qatar Foundation, in 2017, is now entering its third cycle and is looking for projects that reflect the timeless and universal values exhibited by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – values that remain relevant to every society and culture today.

Reflecting Qatar Foundation’s (QF) commitment to inspiring young people, and all members of society, to be active, compassionate, and thoughtful citizens who improve the lives of others through the example they set, the Akhlaquna Award recognizes and celebrates projects that embody exemplary moral character, and encourage others to make its core moral values – mercy, honesty, generosity, and tolerance – a central facet of their lives.

Akhlaquna is a standard-bearer for the importance of encouraging young people to make its values part of their everyday lives.

Mrs. Machaille Al-Naimi

It is also designed to nurture positive behavioral change within society, and emphasize the interconnectivity between knowledge and morality. Cycle 3 of the Akhlaquna Award will build on the impact it has already created since its launch. It aims to reach more people within Qatar through outreach efforts and student-focused workshops within schools and universities, tailored activities and events, the strengthening of partnerships with Qatari entities and organizations, and a dedicated Akhlaquna Day, when the projects and behaviors it inspires are celebrated.

“Akhlaquna is a standard-bearer for the importance of encouraging young people to make its values part of their everyday lives – not just through creating projects, but through mindsets and actions that set an example to others, and inspire them,” said Mrs. Machaille Al-Naimi, President of Community Development, QF.

“It aims to empower young people who want to be agents of positive change within their community. Akhlaquna applicants are role models for how the values of mercy, honesty, generosity, and tolerance can be put into tangible social practice. However, the award places equal emphasis on promoting the reasons why these values are essential for a strong, compassionate, inclusive society, and benefit everyone regardless of their culture, religion, or background.

Akhlaquna Cycle 3 Launch - 01

“Through the award itself, and what it represents, Akhlaquna illustrates QF’s commitment to empowering the next generation of leaders in Qatar – leaders whose actions and behaviors set positive examples and truly represent the very best of humanity. Those influenced by Akhlaquna will, through their daily actions, become ambassadors for its values, influencing and empowering others and creating a social, moral, ethical, and human legacy that ultimately creates a ripple effect extending beyond Qatar.”

As part of the continuing evolution of the Akhlaquna Award, a new element of the initiative – Akhlaquna Junior – will shortly be launched, with the specific goal of promoting and instilling positive values and morals among school students, and creating closer links between them and the wider community of Qatar.

The main Akhlaquna Award – which, in Cycle 2, was won by Mobsron, a mobile app that helps people who are blind and visually impaired to order food, review ingredients, and compare prices, created by students Nawal Al-Kurbi, Almazun Al-Marri, and Amal Al-Gherainig – is open to any Qatari citizen or resident aged 15-24 who has developed a project that embodies exemplary moral character. Both individuals and teams can apply.

Akhlaquna Cycle 3 Launch - 02

Finalists in Cycle 2 of the Akhlaquna Award presenting their projects to jury members.

Three projects will be shortlisted for the award and undergo public voting as well as being assessed by a panel of jurors. The winner will then be supported by QF to scale up their project and the impact it can make on their community.

For more information, and to apply from November 5 onward, please visit

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