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4 August 2018

Makerspaces in Education City

Makerspaces in Education City

Education City houses several unique facilities that act as makerspaces— areas equipped with tools and services where people with shared interests can gather to create, invent, or learn something new. Here are just a few of them.

Education City is known for its iconic buildings and world-class amenities, but it also houses several unique facilities that act as makerspaces — areas equipped with tools and services where people with shared interests can gather to create, invent, or learn something new. While the list is not limited to the following, below are four makerspaces from around campus of which you might not be aware:

Materials Library at VCUarts Qatar

While Education City has many libraries stocked with books, the Materials Library at Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCUarts Qatar) holds samples of various materials and products used by artists and designers. This unique library offers a wide variety of unusual items ranging from bicycle parts to fun fur, and a collection of stones and woods to samples of papers and textiles.

COM040 - Material library VCU Arts Qatar

The library has a special emphasis on local materials available in Qatar, and continues to expand its collection based on new trends and sustainable practices.

Newsroom at NU-Q

Northwestern University in Qatar (NU-Q) houses a newsroom that parallels the high-end newsrooms of some of the world’s leading media organizations. The newsroom is installed with robotic cameras and fully automated technology that makes it possible to run an entire show with one or two people, instead of the usual five or six.

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COM041-2 - Newsroom at NU-Q

The students and faculty regularly use the space for courses in broadcast journalism, digital storytelling, and 360-degree video production. Other features of the newsroom include an 18-screen modular video wall, separate desks for news and talk shows, as well as a live feed to display real-time information from newswires.

Innovation Station at QNL

This space at the Qatar National Library (QNL) holds a range of items and services to trigger creativity and innovation, including musical instruments, equipment for videography and photography, and 3D printing facilities. The station acts as a hub for innovators, artists, musicians, and general learners to work together on creative projects.

The station is free to access for anyone in Qatar, and also offers a variety of courses and year-round activities.

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COM042-2 - Innovation Station at QNL

3D Printing Lab at TAMUQ

To satisfy the needs of prototyping and manufacturing in the field of engineering, Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ) has established a dedicated lab for its community to carry out 3D printing. The first of its kind in Qatar, the facility allows the university’s community to turn their ideas into real-world objects using advanced computing, visualization, and printing resources. The lab houses eight 3D printers which can print in materials ranging from titanium to different grades of plastics.

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COM043-2 - 3D Printing Lab at TAMUQ
COM043-3 - 3D Printing Lab at TAMUQ

The lab also serves as a platform for various 3D printing and 3D visualization competitions for students, researchers, and innovators from around the country.

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