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23 April 2020

In our own words: How QF’s inclusive approach to sport has empowered our son

In our own words: How QF’s inclusive approach to sport has empowered our son

Through its Qader Award, QF ensures its Ability Friendly Swimming and Football Programs are available to all. The family of young participant Yussif Heath can testify to the sense of happiness and fulfilment the award brings.

The Qader Award, established by Qatar Foundation, has been a source of inspiration for our son Yussif Heath, who loves swimming and interacting with his coach, Jo Jo.

The award has brought hope to our family, and has provided the financial support we needed to continue our son’s ongoing physical therapy through the swimming program at Qatar Foundation – a program that has been instrumental in helping our child improve his movement, physical strength, and self-confidence.

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Yussif Heath is one of the children who has benefited through Qatar Foundation’s Qader Award.

This source of generosity and kindness also allows Yussif to continue to develop his social skills, and make new friends. He loves swimming, and looks forward to attending the weekly sessions at Qatar Foundation (QF). It has allowed our family to continue to support Yussif in the rehabilitation of the left side of his body.

Through the support this award offers, Yussif continues to find an outlet to forget about his disability and feel more like a normal child.

Yussif Heath’s family

Through the support this award offers, Yussif continues to find an outlet to forget about his disability and feel more like a normal child – giving him the ability to put away the pain; forget about the splints on his legs, the eye patch, the splint on his left hand; and just be a normal person.

The benefits that came with being granted the award have given Yussif access to a program and a coach that understands his physical challenges. Yussif and his coach have developed a friendship that will last throughout the life of a little boy.

In the future, we look forward to keeping Yussif in the swimming program so that he continues to grow stronger physically and mentally, and is able to overcome one challenge at a time – at his own pace. We will also look to reapply for the Qader Award to ensure that Yussif remains in the swimming program at Qatar Foundation.

It has made our family very grateful in knowing that we are not alone in this journey to support our son in living a healthy and independent life.

Yussif Heath’s family

Yussif has developed a sense of independence and control over his own life, and through the Qader Award, we can see this reflected in his swimming activities and his enjoyment of them. It has made our family very grateful in knowing that we are not alone in this journey to support our son in living a healthy and independent life.

We would like to thank Kathleen Bates, QF’s Senior Special Needs Aquatics Specialist and Coach, for informing us about the Qader Award, and QF as a whole for providing us with an opportunity to allow Yussif to keep doing what he loves - swimming.

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QF’s Qader Award offers families and individuals with specific needs the opportunity to participate in its Ability Friendly Swimming and Football Programs at no cost.

For more information about the programs and the award, email

To apply for the Qader Award, please visit

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