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17 November 2020

‘Education City is a source of pride’, says President of Tunisia during QF visit

‘Education City is a source of pride’, says President of Tunisia during QF visit

Kais Saied emphasizes the “noble and meaningful mission” of empowering humanity

Kais Saied, the President of Tunisia, gained an insight into the work and vision of Qatar Foundation as he visited its Education City campus today.

Human empowerment is a very noble and meaningful mission, as it harnesses potential and abilities that science was unable to reach

Kais Saied

The visit saw Mr. Saied receive an overview of the organization’s education ecosystem, its focus on research, development, and innovation, and its community development emphasis during a balcony tour at the 2015 building (Qatar Foundation Headquarters).

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Kais Saied, President of Tunisia, visiting Qatar Foundation.

During his time at Education City, Mr. Saied also visited Qatar National Library, where he was welcomed by His Excellency Dr. Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kawari, Minister of State and President of Qatar National Library, and library officials. He was given a tour of its main space and its Heritage Library, where he was shown the exhibition containing items of historical significance.

We are honored to have welcomed the President of Tunisia to Qatar Foundation, and to have had the opportunity to share QF’s knowledge ecology and purpose

Her Excellency Sheikha Hind bint Hamad Al Thani

“Human empowerment is a very noble and meaningful mission, as it harnesses potential and abilities that science was unable to reach,” said Mr. Saied. “These efforts will continue, and human potential will continue to emerge to benefit humanity as a whole.

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During his visit, Mr. Saied learned about QF’s vision and its ecosystem.

“I congratulate Qatar Foundation for creating Education City, which attracts students from around the world and is a destination for academic expertise, as part of the continuous cooperation between universities and research institutes.

We recognize His Excellency the President's commitment to the Arabic language, which reflects his strong belief in Arab culture as an embodiment of our Arab national identity

His Excellency Dr. Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kawari

“Qatar Foundation’s mission of unlocking human potential is, in itself, evidence of its noble purpose. There is nothing more prestigious and noble than institutions that go beyond the traditional boundaries of countries and address humanity as a whole. Education City is a source of pride for Qatar Foundation, and for all humanity.”

Her Excellency Sheikha Hind bint Hamad Al Thani, Vice Chairperson and CEO of Qatar Foundation, said: “We are honored to have welcomed the President of Tunisia to Qatar Foundation, and to have had the opportunity to share QF’s knowledge ecology and purpose.

“The mission of Qatar Foundation is intended to benefit not only the people of Qatar, but those of the Middle East and North Africa region and the world, and we are proud to contribute our part in humanity’s greater quest for knowledge.”

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The President of Tunisia’s visit included tours of the 2015 Building (QF Headquarters) and Qatar National Library.

His Excellency Dr. Al-Kawari said: “We recognize His Excellency the President's commitment to the Arabic language, which reflects his strong belief in Arab culture as an embodiment of our Arab national identity.

“Preserving Arabic and Islamic heritage is an important aspect of the library’s mission. Our Heritage Library is dedicated to preserving and sharing Arab culture and emphasizing the historical ties between our countries.”

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