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Story | Education
2 November 2020

QF’s gift shop to sell the work of VCUarts Qatar students

QF’s gift shop to sell the work of VCUarts Qatar students

Zainab Al-Shibani and Shima M Aeinehdar share perspectives on art and their products

Artists and designers have a vital role in creating a sense of connectedness in society. Tapping into the collective consciousness of possibilities and fantasy, artists and designers are often the ones to express concepts and ideas that challenge the norms of society, encouraging a growth mindset.

Art celebrates the organic, raw, unfiltered nature of who we are. It reminds us that we are imperfect beings, and that no matter how much we plan and prepare, we cannot win over the chaotic world that surrounds us

Zainab Al-Shibani

For Zainab Al-Shibani and Shima M Aeinehdar, students at Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCUarts Qatar) – one of Qatar Foundation’s partner universities – sharing their perspectives on art and life, and the impact it has on their work, is close to heart.

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Zainab Al-Shibani

“I believe that art is unique in its ability to reflect the fragility of the human experience,” says Al-Shibani, a senior in Graphic Design at VCUarts Qatar. “Art celebrates the organic, raw, unfiltered nature of who we are. It reminds us that we are imperfect beings, and that no matter how much we plan and prepare, we cannot win over the chaotic world that surrounds us.

Some of us have come to understand the value of art, especially after COVID-19. We found comfort in movies, books, and paintings, not because we had nothing better to do, but because we felt connected to them

Zainab Al-Shibani

“Some of us have come to understand the value of art, especially after COVID-19. We found comfort in movies, books, and paintings, not because we had nothing better to do, but because we felt connected to them. We saw ourselves in the words of our favorite poets and authors and found us in the most melancholic songs. We look for ourselves in art.”

Al-Shibani believes the curiosity to always keep learning is integral to the work of an artist. And although the skills in art are often regarded as something that people are said to be born with, she believes that art offers the capacity to learn and practice.

She is one of the many artists who is displaying her work for sale at the Education City Gift Shop. She says: “To be able to showcase my work at the Education City Gift Shop has made me feel very grateful. This is a great opportunity to share what I love to do with the rest of the world.”

I have always been fascinated by surreal images and colors rather than realistic artworks and learning illustration has allowed me to express my thoughts without any limitations

Shima M Aeinehdar

For Al-Shibani, it was very encouraging to see people enjoy her work and celebrate it. She remembers being with her friend Ameena, who had collaborated with her on a piece, when she first saw someone walking around with one of their tote bags. “I think there is something very special in dedicating time and energy into a piece of art, and then handing it over to someone who can enjoy it.”

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Some of the art works of the artist Zeinab Al-Shibani

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Like Al-Shibani, Shima M Aeinehdar, an Iranian Illustration and Graphic Design student at VCUarts Qatar, also believes the role of an artist in society is much larger than what appears – it is to become the voice of the people through the use of powerful visuals in order to bring a change.

I have always been fascinated by surreal images and colors rather than realistic artworks and learning illustration has allowed me to express my thoughts without any limitations

Shima M Aeinehdar

As far as she can remember, Aeinehdar has always been interested in art, and has always seen herself pursuing art and design as a career. Growing up in an artistic environment, where art was highly appreciated, had a huge impact in her interest in the field.

Pointing to the usage of Arabic and Farsi typography in her work, Aeinehdar has taken her work to the next level, using both visual and written art forms to communicate her messages. “My main interest is Arabic typography and illustration. I have always been fascinated by surreal images and colors rather than realistic artworks and learning illustration has allowed me to express my thoughts without any limitations.

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Shima M Aeinehdar

“My interest in Arabic typography goes back to my Iranian background. As an expatriate growing up in Qatar, learning Farsi has given me the opportunity to understand and learn about Iranian culture at a deeper level, and therefore form a personal connection with the language.”

Aeinehdar’s “QA 101” – a series of six illustrated postcards – is for sale at the Education City Gift Shop. The postcards portray the basics of Qatari culture such as food, clothes, architecture, art, and nature through illustrations and Arabic typography.

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Some of the art works of the artist Shima M Aeinehdar

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“Each postcard has a short description that explains the history of each illustrated element and how they are related to Qatar. This project was the first mashup of both my interests, typography, and illustration,” Aeinehdar says.

The Education City gift shop outlets are located in Oxygen Park and at the 2015 building (Qatar Foundation Headquarters), as well as from a pop-up store which will move from place to place.

Those interested in displaying their products at the Education City Gift Shop should send a proposal or reach out to

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