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Story | Education
11 March 2021

Qatari men need to become teachers to “build a better future together”

Qatari men need to become teachers to “build a better future together”

A Qatari teacher takes a class at a secondary school in Doha.

Image source: Shutterstock/Noushad Thekkayil

Faisal Mubarak Al-Qahtani, who teaches at QF’s Qatar Academy Doha, talks about how he supports community advancement

Despite the important role that teachers and educators play on raising the youth, the teaching profession in Qatar faces challenges in attracting talent, especially Qatari men.

For Faisal Mubarak Al Qahtani, teacher of Islamic Education and Qatari History and Heritage at Qatar Academy Doha, part of Qatar Foundation’s Pre-University Education, who has been in the teaching industry since 2012, becoming a teacher was something he envisioned since he was a college student.

Al Qahtani has always believed in the power of education, and in the impact that Qatari teachers can make by becoming role models for their young fellow-citizens. Qatari teachers have the opportunity to build a new generation that is proud of their culture, values and identity, and are able to support the advancement of their nation.

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Faisal Mubarak Al Qahtani, teacher of Islamic Education and Qatari History and Heritage at Qatar Academy Doha.

But young Qatari men are still hesitant to pursue a career in teaching because of the many challenges that discourages them to join the profession, he says.

One of the biggest challenges, according to Al Qahtani, is the element of responsibilities that teachers are burdened with. While teaching is considered a noble profession – one that requires a great deal of time and effort, in addition to the necessary qualifications and skills that the job demands such as classroom management and being able to deal with students – the majority of the Qatari youth prefer slightly easier jobs with greater financial returns.

Without a doubt, Qatari teachers set an example and role model for students, which can enhance students’ sense of belonging to their country and school

Faisal Al Qahtani

Al Qahtani also highlighted that Qatari teachers can directly contribute to advancing the development of the nation. “Without a doubt, Qatari teachers set an example and role model for students, which can enhance students’ sense of belonging to their country and school.

“This will be reflected on their academic development and achievements, and their ability to serve the nation in the future. All of which are in the best interest of Qatar.”

It is vital to highlight the role of the teacher as an instrument that instills positive values and morals in their students

Faisal Al Qahtani

Speaking about ways that can attract the youth into the profession of teaching, Al Qahtani said: “Elevating the status of the teacher is extremely important in order to attract the youth to the sector. It is vital to highlight the role of the teacher as an instrument that instills positive values and morals in their students.

We have capable and qualified young people who have the potential to succeed in teaching all subjects

Faisal Al Qahtani

“Our youth need more encouragement and support to become teachers through proper career counseling programs. We have capable and qualified young people who have the potential to succeed in teaching all subjects.”

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Al Qahtani says Qatari teachers are role models – but there are challenges that dissuade Qatari men from entering the teaching profession.

Building on his personal experience as a teacher, Al-Qahtani said: “I urge qualified young Qatari men to carry the message of teaching forward, and to spare no effort in teaching the next generation so that we can build a better future together.”

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