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Story | Education
24 November 2019

Learning empathy and understanding

Learning empathy and understanding

Qatar Academy Doha students thank school service providers with a dedicated day

As the job market becomes increasingly complex and competitive, employers are now looking beyond degrees and diplomas, and instead searching for people who are empathetic, compassionate, sensitive and good at building relationships.

Universities and schools have caught on to this shift. They are increasingly promoting behaviors that will help students develop these traits, by encouraging their interaction with staff and members of the public from whom they receive help, but who are either unsung heroes or with whom they do not interact regularly.

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And it was with this in mind that Qatar Academy Doha, one of the schools under Qatar Foundation’s Pre-University Education, hosted its first Workers Appreciation Day of the new school year, which included the Friendship Games. Organized by primary and senior school students, it formed part of the school’s Service as Action activities.

The purpose of the event was to provide students with an opportunity to express their gratitude and appreciation to the cleaners, security guards, maintenance staff, and others who help provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for them.

The ability to express empathy, understanding and appreciation are traits that cannot be learnt from a text book – they need to be taught through experience.

Don Wilson

“The ability to express empathy, understanding and appreciation are traits that cannot be learnt from a text book – they need to be taught through experience,” says Don Wilson, a mathematics teacher at Qatar Academy Doha’s (QAD) senior school and one of the organizers of the event. “And, the most effective time to develop these values are during one’s school life.”

The organizers of the event created a friendly atmosphere that allowed students to meet and interact with the school’s support staff. A combination of music, games, activities, and sports competitions including football and basketball added to the ambience.

“We are blessed to have dedicated and enthusiastic support staff that help Qatar Foundation and Qatar Academy Doha to function properly,’ says Shagufta Chaudhry, who is also a QAD teacher.

The support staff also had lunch with the students, who then distributed certificates of appreciation and gift boxes to their guests. Students also organized and decorated the venue, selected music, and gathered food and prizes for the event.

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The event at Qatar Academy Doha formed part of the school’s Service as Action activities.

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“These people are not always seen by everyone in the community, and one of the main goals of the Friendship Games is to raise awareness about these members of our community and make students appreciate their worth,” said another QAD teacher, Bernice Ferdinand, who helped coordinate the activities for the day.

“The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

“The Friendship Games are an extension of this – students learn to respect all members of the community.”

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