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Story | Research
16 November 2019

In perfect harmony

In perfect harmony

The power of music in today’s world has been discussed at Doha Learning Days

Music has the ability to build bridges and transcend boundaries, creating a more united, harmonious world by bringing together people from all over the world.

The idea that music can evoke powerful emotional responses to affect change was at the heart of the workshop delivered by 16-year-old student and THIMUN delegate Natalie Magness on Friday at WISE’s Doha Learning Days festival.

“Music is so evidentially used in such a vast variety of contexts,” said Natalie. “From advocating for world peace, to science and research, to the movies, and so on. It is easy to forget why music is so effective in achieving the desired affects in all of these fields.

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“But the answer is simple: because it makes us feel emotion. However, whether that emotion is used to manipulate, brainwash and control, or equally unite, empower and harmonize, is up to us.

“In this era where pressing global issues, like corruption, climate change, war, and poverty, creativity is all the more necessary in getting closer to solving these. This presents us now with a new beacon of hope, and some potential solutions for a more harmonious world.”

The overall theme of the session was about the impact of music, but it was divided into two topics: the first addressing how music can be used alongside politics, science, medicine, and in the media, with the second part of the talk focusing on classical music.

Music is a topic close to Natalie’s heart, as she is an aspiring pianist, having begun learning to play the instrument at the age of six. “I did a lot of research around these topics, and found out that music is used in so many different ways, which I didn’t know before,” she said.

“I chose to present here as, having attended Qatar Leadership Conference, I noticed that this topic is often ignored and overlooked. I want people to become more aware of how music is being used around them, and to actually appreciate how it is being used.

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“I also want to help de-stigmatize classical music, and look at its misconceptions. I hope more and more people will start listening to classical music.”

Doha Learning Days is Qatar’s first experiential learning festival. Organized by WISE – an initiative of Qatar Foundation – the event is taking place in Education City’s Ceremonial Court and Green Spine. Open to the public, and free of charge, the six-day festival will conclude on November 19.

For more information about Doha Learning Days, and the activities on offer, please visit:

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