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Story | Education
16 June 2020

HBKU alumna underlines the importance of medical research

HBKU alumna underlines the importance of medical research

Image source: Matej Kastelic, via Shutterstock

PhD student’s educational journey prepared her for medical challenges of today

Pursuing higher education had always been Moza Khalifa Al Kuwari’s dream. And her long-spanning educational journey – which saw her start her bachelor’s degree at Qatar University and recently conclude her PhD at Qatar Foundation – has helped prepare her to face the medical challenges of today.


Moza Khalifa Al Kuwari

Driving Al Kuwari’s educational journey is the belief that research is imperative to creating solutions to worldwide medical issues, such as COVID-19. “I believe that the importance of research has become very evident, especially in light of the current crisis, which has forced us to rethink the way we look at things,” explains Al Kuwari.

I believe that the importance of research has become very evident, especially in light of the current crisis, which has forced us to rethink the way we look at things

Moza Khalifa Al Kuwari

In between periods of studying, Al Kuwari worked at Hamad Medical Corporation, as well as the Qatar Biomedical Research Institute at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), a member of Qatar Foundation (QF). Now, she is a research specialist at Sidra Medicine – also a member of QF – studying the molecular basis of hearing loss.

Qatar Foundation I was also able to expand my knowledge of medical research, which is completely different to the diagnostic field

Moza Khalifa Al Kuwari

Al Kuwari highlighted the role QF has played in her career, saying: “I already have great work experience and diagnostic skills that I acquired from working at leading medical institutions. But at Qatar Foundation I was also able to expand my knowledge of medical research, which is completely different to the diagnostic field, and has enriched my experience in research labs.

As being part of the QF family, I was given countless opportunities to participate in research events, such as the Qatar National Research Fund’s Annual Forum, and other conferences organized by QF entities

Moza Khalifa Al Kuwari

“As being part of the QF family, I was given countless opportunities to participate in research events, such as the Qatar National Research Fund’s Annual Forum, and other conferences organized by QF entities. This, in turn, gave me the chance to meet international experts, opening doors for collaboration in the field of research.”

Al Kuwari completed her BSc in Biomedical Sciences at Qatar University in 2004, and, while dedicated to her further studies, was reluctant to travel abroad to pursue her postgraduate studies, as she did not want to be away from home. “However, years after my graduation, Qatar University launched a new Master’s program Biomedical Sciences, and I was one of the first students to enroll, so was among the first batch of graduates,” Al Kuwari said.

We had to work together to create the foundations of the program, as well as the research labs and facilities, and pave the way for the next batch of students

Moza Khalifa Al Kuwari

Similarly, when HBKU’s College of Health and Life Sciences announced the launch of the PhD program in Biological and Biomedical Science, Al Kuwari did not think twice about applying.

Describing her PhD experience, Al Kuwari says that it was very challenging, not only in terms of the academic side or balancing responsibilities between studies, work, and family, but also because the program was new.

“When I joined in 2015, it was still new, and we had to work together to create the foundations of the program, as well as the research labs and facilities, and pave the way for the next batch of students. I feel very proud to be among the students graduating from this program,” Al Kuwari explains.

HBKU - Research Complex - PC:EQRoy

Image source: EQRoy, via Shutterstock

Today, Al Kuwari is focused on the functional and molecular characterization of hearing loss in Qatar by tackling the hearing loss gene through data collected by the Qatar Genome Programme and patients attending the ENT clinics at Sidra Medicine.

In the future, Al-Kuwari is looking forward to continuing to work in the field of biomedical sciences through identifying the genetic causes of disease and understand its pathophysiology. And, importantly, to transferring her knowledge and working experience to the next generation of medical students.

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