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8 December 2021

2021 WISE Prize for Education presented to Wendy Kopp

2021 WISE Prize for Education presented to Wendy Kopp

Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of Qatar Foundation, presents the WISE Prize for Education to Wendy Kopp.

Wendy Kopp recognized by WISE for her contribution to quality education through creating Teach For All, a diverse global network building collective leadership in classrooms and communities.

The prestigious WISE Prize for Education has been presented to Wendy Kopp, CEO of Teach For All. Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of Qatar Foundation, presented the prize to Kopp at the Opening Plenary of the 2021 WISE Global Summit in Doha, Qatar, before an audience both in person and virtually of more than 10,000 participants worldwide.

The WISE Prize for Education is the first global distinction of its kind to acknowledge an individual for an outstanding contribution to education. Through Teach For All, Kopp is recognized for developing the concept that meaningful, sustainable education changes need leaders who are rooted in their communities and believe in the potential to transform them to deliver the opportunities all children deserve.

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Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser attended the opening session of the 2021 WISE Summit.

Since its creation in 2007, Teach For All has developed a benevolent ecosystem of collective leadership to ensure all children have an education that allows them to shape their future. Teach For All currently works with partner organisations at a grassroots level in 61 countries around the world, inspiring their countries’ outstanding graduates and professionals from all fields to channel their passion towards expanding opportunities for children, while committing to two years teaching in the schools and communities where they are needed most. With on-going support from local partners, these teachers become effective classroom leaders and determined advocates for their students, grounded in their teaching experience and deep belief in the potential of every child.

Collective leadership is necessary to solve the most entrenched inequities in education and reshape the system so that it prepares our young people to navigate uncertainty and shape a better future

Wendy Kopp

These extraordinary teachers go on to become educators, policymakers, advocates and entrepreneurs. Alongside others they are working to change the systems that deny many young people the opportunities everyone deserves. Since its inception, partners in the Teach For All network have collectively placed over 104,400 recruits across six continents, and are currently supporting 1.1 million young people to develop the skills and knowledge they need. 75% of these teachers continue working to expand opportunities as children as alumni – whether as teachers within schools, or as activists working beyond the classroom for equity in education.

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In her speech, Kopp said the WISE Prize for Education was “an endorsement and recognition of our theory of change”.

Upon receiving the award, Kopp said: “We see this prize as an endorsement and recognition of our theory of change. Collective leadership is necessary to solve the most entrenched inequities in education and reshape the system so that it prepares our young people to navigate uncertainty and shape a better future. Complex problems can only be solved through the collective efforts of many, working together across all levels of the system.”

This prize is in recognition of a lifetime’s contribution to education and a constant spirit of innovation. Through Teach For All, Wendy has truly revolutionized school leadership

Stavros N. Yiannouka

Stavros N. Yiannouka, WISE CEO, said: “Wendy’s work exemplifies what we so passionately believe in at WISE – the conviction that everyone deserves quality education, and you can achieve it through creating a virtuous, international network by sharing best practice and involving communities. This prize is in recognition of a lifetime’s contribution to education and a constant spirit of innovation. Through Teach For All, Wendy has truly revolutionized school leadership.”

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More than 10,000 people are attending the 2021 WISE Summit, in-person and virtually.

While the circumstances facing children look different from country to country, the root causes and the challenges facing them are often similar. Through the Teach For All network, staff, teachers and alumni can connect with peers from around the world, learn from each other’s unique insights, ideas and innovations, and adapt promising solutions to their own countries’ needs. Teach For All’s global organization also helps potential partners understand the network’s approach and apply it in their countries, and supports existing partner organizations in developing strong, sustainable programs while connecting them to each other and encouraging them to work together to speed up progress.

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