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Qatarization is a strategic initiative by the Government of Qatar to provide employment for its citizens in the private and public sectors.

CAR002 - Qatarization - hero image



As one of the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030, Qatarization targets positions that are integral to the business plans of private- and public-sector entities. The objective is to provide 50 percent or more of Qatari citizens with meaningful permanent employment.

In order to help achieve this, we are fully dedicated to providing appropriate job opportunities for Qatari nationals, while simultaneously fostering the potential of younger Qataris so that they too may eventually benefit from this pioneering initiative.

Qatarization Options


Our human resources team performs several functions in support of reaching our Qatarization objectives.



For all permanent positions, we ensure that applications from candidates who have the appropriate potential are received by the hiring department for review and comment. For this, it is essential that candidates provide resumes and/or CVs that fully demonstrate their skills and experience.

CAR009-0 - Qatarization - Recruitment
CAR009-0 - Qatarization - Recruitment

Succession Planning

Succession planning identifies and develops internal candidates who have the potential to fill key leadership positions in the organization. This increases the availability of experienced and capable Qatari nationals who are prepared to assume these essential roles as they become available. The process also creates a leadership pipeline that contributes to Qatarization.

CAR010 - Succession Planning
CAR010 - Succession Planning


We are fully committed to training and developing our people through a variety of training courses, such as in-house and external training and e-learning sessions.

In-house courses are designed to deliver the highest-quality training and learning opportunities to our staff and trainees. With thousands of participants every year, in-house training contributes to the development of our staff and trainees and helps our organization achieve its goals, which include service to the community.

CAR011 - Qatarization - Training
CAR011 - Qatarization - Training


The sponsored scholarship program focuses on our long-term employment needs. At present, sponsored trainees are studying at one of our branch campuses and at various universities here in Qatar and overseas, including those in the UK, US, France, Germany and Australia.

CAR012 - Qatarization - Scholarships
CAR012 - Qatarization - Scholarships

Internship and Trainee Opportunities

We also offer qualified applicants opportunities to become interns and trainees. As interns, Qatari nationals aged 18 and over who are currently studying at a university are hired for a maximum period of two months.

Our Al Masar Career Development Plan develops fresh Qatari graduates to fulfill specific job roles as professional employees. The program ensures the best Qatari potentials are onboard with top development opportunities.

CAR013 - Qatarization - Mentorship Opportunities
CAR013 - Qatarization - Mentorship Opportunities

Apply for Opportunities


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